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I am a PhD Candidate and Stephen Thomas Scholar at the University of Cambridge.
My research interests include sustainable road logistics, vehicle dynamics and control, electric and autonomous vehicles, and technoeconomic modelling and simulation.
I work with the Centre for Sustainable Road Freight on investigating strategies for electrification of road freight around the world. I also currently serve as Board Member of the International Forum for Heavy Vehicle Transport & Technology (HVTT Forum).
[05-11-2024] Presented our research titled "Techno-economic Comparison of Solutions for Road Freight Decarbonisation" at the 11th International Workshop on Sustainable Road Freight 2024 In Shanghai, China. Co-authored two other presentations led by colleagues Chen Liu and Rishab Gandhi.
[05-07-2024] Our paper titled "Charging and traffic constraints in electric road freight journeys" has been accepted for presentation at the 18th International Symposium on Heavy Vehicle Transport & Technology (HVTT18), May 2025, Québec City, Canada.
[14-06-2024] Awarded runner-up prizes for 'contribution to student community' and 'society of the year' (for the Cambridge University Indian Classical Music Society) from among 300+ nominations at the Cambridge Students' Awards 2024.
[12-12-2023] Awarded the Helios Prize by the Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge, for research on sustainable energy and energy efficiency - news article 1 | news article 2.
[09-11-2023] Elected as Board Member of the International Forum for Heavy Vehicle Transport & Technology (HVTT Forum) - announcement.
[29-09-2023] Our work on "Evaluation and modelling of truck overtaking for IC and EV trucks: Application to route-level performance" has been accepted for presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board 2023, Washington DC, USA. The paper will be presented by my co-author Abhishek Raj (IIT Madras).
[31-08-2023] Our paper titled "Analysis and modelling of passing sight distance using vehicle dynamic response" based on work done at IIT Madras has been accepted for publication in the journal IEEE Access - available online.
[02-08-2023] Our paper titled "A breakeven cost analysis framework for electric road systems" based on my PhD work has been published in the journal Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment - read online.
[13-07-2023] Our paper on "Analysis of fast charging arrangements for electric heavy goods vehicles" has been accepted for presentation at the IEEE 26th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC), September 2023, Bilbao, Spain.
[15-06-2023] Our work on "Journey models for electric road freight operations" has been accepted for presentation at the 10th International Workshop on Sustainable Road Freight, December 2023, Cambridge, UK.
[05-05-2023] Presented my research at the 'Tea Time Talks' organised by the Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge - talks.cam.ac.uk.
[23-01-2023] Our paper on "Road freight electrification around the world using electric road systems" has been accepted for presentation at the 17th International Symposium on Heavy Vehicle Transport & Technology (HVTT17), November 2023, Brisbane, Australia - read online.
[17-11-2022] Presented my PhD research at the Maxwell Centre Annual Showcase 2022 at the University of Cambridge.
[15-09-2022] Our work on "Accelerating road freight electrification in different countries using electric road systems" has been accepted for presentation at the 9th International Workshop on Sustainable Road Freight (online).
[06-09-2022] Awarded the Energy IRC Grant funded by the Isaac Newton Trust, Energy Policy Research Group (EPRG) Cambridge and NERC (UKRI) - read more | news article.
[31-05-2022] Uploaded our article on a new vehicle routing algorithm using traffic flow theory, based on work done at Jaguar Land Rover - link.
[28-02-2022] Awarded the Tyro Prize by Queens' College, University of Cambridge for a concert performance in Indian classical music on the piano - read more.
[10-05-2021] Our paper on "Robust steering control for trajectory following in road traffic environments" has been published in Proc. IMechE Part I: Journal of Systems and Control Engineering - read online.